What do I get for being a mock client?

  • Free nutritional and lifestyle assessment (90-120 minutes initial consultation with myself and two other trained colleagues) completed in the comfort of your own home/office over Zoom

  • A thorough review of :

    • Diet/supplements, including review of a 3-day food diary

    • Lifestyle/habits and stressors/stress levels

    • Any current/recent labs you may have

  • Opportunity to ask any/all questions you have about your current habits/behaviors and dietary intake

  • A nutrition-focused physical exam (looking at your eyes, hair, nails, skin, etc. as a measure of nutrient sufficiency)

  • Completing three forms that paint a more detailed picture of your current health

  • Personalized and targeted dietary and lifestyle recommendations suited to areas we discover needing the most support and aligning with your overall goals.

  • Confidentiality and privacy – we are HIPAA-compliant; your name, intake form, and personal identifiers will not leave my privy, nor be provided to anyone at MUIH.

Once we confirm a date/time for our initial consultation, I will send you a detailed follow-up email with the forms and instructions to complete and submit at least two days prior to our session together. 

I’m looking forward to exploring your health together, as a team, and seeing what we can discover!  Please don’t hesitate to reach out in the interim with any questions. 

Why am I a “mock” client?

As a student currently finishing my Master’s degree in Nutrition & Integrative Health from the Maryland University of Integrative Health, all clinical experience is a simulation of clinical practice under the supervision of licensed dietitian nutritionists (I am not currently licensed). All sessions are free-of-charge and clients are recruited by my own efforts.

The combination of those factors makes the term “mock” client most appropriate.