We help people create balance nutritionally and holistically.

(Elizabeth - I don’t know if we need this section here…I like the wording, but maybe we can save a copy of this text somewhere, but remove it for now?)

Balancing your gut can help restore balance to other areas of your life.


Through balancing your gut microbiome via diet, supplements, and incorporating general wellness practices, we help those looking to reduce GI issues, stress, anxiety, and other physical and mental concerns.

Our goal is to use nutrition and wellness as a way to improve your overall quality of life.

About Elyce

Hi! I’m Elyce and I’m an anti-diet Health-At-Every Size (HAES) Nutrition Coach and Educator (kind of a mouthful, I know!). I take an integrative approach to nutrition, health, and wellness to help restore balance to all parts of you and your lifestyle - you are so much more than just your symptoms!


My personal health journey is the reason I’m here today.

I suffered a trauma a number of years ago which led to both GI issues and mental health issues (PTSD and anxiety being the main ones). I spent many years going the conventional route to resolve my GI issues and tried endless pharmaceutical interventions -none of which helped; some of which made things worse.

Some Therapy and a LOT of Self-Care!

My therapist helped me understand how important (and necessary) it is to be your own health advocate, the importance of self-care, and balance, along with encouraging me to try some holistic practices - which aligned with my heart - such as acupuncture, yoga therapy, mindfulness, and meditation (to name a few). I experienced stronger and more effective improved clinical outcomes - mentally and physically - versus the conventional experiences. (That’s a mandala I colored on the right - adult coloring is one of my favorite forms of self-care and relaxation!)

Time for research and more exploration.

This sparked further research and education (self-led) within the integrative nutrition field. I learned about the gut microbiome and its impact on mental health; I sought out to balance my gut and in doing so, found my path to healing - both physically and mentally.

My “Ah-ha” Moment!

This life-changing experience for me made me realize that while I was on a promising path forward in my corporate career, it wasn’t fulfilling and didn’t speak to what felt right in my heart - or my gut ;). I knew then what I really wanted to do - help guide and support others through their health struggles - by becoming their advocate, trusted practitioner, and partner. That meant - time to quit my job and go back to school!

My Gut Instinct to Help Others (You!)

Helping people has always been a passion of mine, along with food, and I have finally found the best way to meld those two together (like chocolate and peanut butter!). Having just finished my Masters in Nutrition & Integrative Health and working towards completing certification and licensure in nutrition…I’m here to help you find your own path to healing and could not be more grateful for this opportunity!

My Principles & Beliefs: As a Practitioner and a Basic Human


I believe in creating a safe, welcoming space for everyone.

  • I have a weight-inclusive, Health-At-Every-Size (HAES) approach to nutrition and client work. I do not focus on the number on the scale; my goal (in us working together) is to help you establish a healthy relationship with your body, with food, and with yourself.

    As part of this, you will not find me promoting any diets, food restrictions, or labeling of foods as “good” or “bad”. Instead, I take an intuitive eating approach and look at what we can add to your current intake to help support your health needs and to establish a healthy relationship with food.

  • All are welcome here - all races, genders (LGBTQ+), religions, abilities, sizes, etc.; the more diverse we are, the more we learn and grow together.

I believe in authenticity, transparency, integrity, and humility.

  • I will forever be “perfectly imperfect”. I think imperfection is honest, it’s real, and it connects all of us. We all have our imperfections and they are part of what make us beautiful humans! As such, my motto - like so many others :) - is “progress, not perfection”.

  • I do not claim to know everything, and will be upfront with you when that is the case. I think there is value in saying “I don’t know, but I will look into that and get back to you”. The nutrition field (and most fields) are constantly evolving; staying on top of the most recent/current research is my promise to you - even if that means I can’t answer your question in the moment and have to follow-up with you.

  • I believe in strong, open, and honest communication, dependability, following through on commitments, and doing all of the above out of genuine passion (not obligation) because I find those to be foundational factors for any type of genuine, reliable relationship. I will also be the first person to admit when I make a mistake; like I said before, I don’t believe in “perfection” (spoken from a rehabilitated life-long perfectionist ;) ).

  • “Being the best” doesn’t interest me…I think listening to others, asking for help, seeking feedback, and knowing there is always room for improvement makes someone a better practitioner and better human. Connecting with you and building a true, trusted relationship - that’s what interests me most.

I believe in honoring individuality.

  • Nutrition is an ever-evolving field and each body is different; what works for most, doesn’t mean it will work for everyone. I focus on you and your uniqueness as my approach to your care.

I believe “balance” does not necessarily have to equate to “equal”.

  • I don’t (personally) think balance has to always mean “50/50”. For example, if someone works out two days a week because that’s what feels balanced to them, then that’s their “balance” . We’ll figure out your definition of balance together (which can be different for different categories) to help set realistic and achievable goals, best suited for your lifestyle!

I believe self-compassion, grace, kindness, and laughter are foundational pieces of the healing process and ways to maintain a balanced life indefinitely.

  • We will explore these more together, but I wanted to highlight them as pieces I find to be key to working towards a more balanced life!

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